Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Oy! Told you..

Lol, so I mentioned in my first post that it would probably be hard for me to keep up with this, and well, it kinda has been. But not terribly!! My last post was about 2 weeks ago, doesnt seem like that though! Anywho, for those of you who read about my last post, I did get the adorable little pup! Thank the Lord :) He is good, and He made it all work out! Yay God! lol. My husband is now in love and has a new favorite, Kona, our puppy. lol. She isnt as big as the picture actually, she is almost 5 months, so she won't be very big. She is a handful though! Lol. But all and all she's a good pup! :)

So anywho, enough about the puppy I suppose! Not to much has been going on.. School is almost over (cant believe 10 weeks went by that fast!!) and then on to my externship.. yikes! Please be praying for me! Lol. Really though, I'm praying that God provides a close location in a nice, preferably smaller (not to crazy that is) office where I don't have to deal with blood or sicklyness. lol. I would prefer to be in the back office, if you can't tell already! Annnddd Lord help us all with patience! My parents are moving. and well all know how that is! Uhg. My mother is the stressor of all stresses, so pray for us all! Lol! No really, I just want everything to go smoothly for everyone :) God willing! So, now that the prayer requests have been posted, lol, let me know what's new with all of you :) If there's anything anyone would like prayer for, e-mail me or post it or whatever! Im not saying I'm a priest or a minister or anything like that at all, just willing to offer a helping hand.. or ear? lol. Just love you all! :D God bless!

until next time :)

Thursday, May 5, 2011


pray that I can get this adorable new puppy!! and my mom wont be mad! seeing as she's moving out soon but hasnt yet, i pray she just accepts it! lol

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

The day...

So today was eventful...and uneventful.. I went to school, ccmcc, woot, then went to hang out with my bff who is visiting here from SD with her ADORABLE baby while her hubby is on deployment! (Keep them in your prayers! we want them safely home soon! :)) It's great having her here again! And thanks to my good friend Nic who is helping me spread my blog! woot! :D so yes, im kind of on a blog frenzy at the moment talking about worthless rants, but still, it will soon fade I'm sure and you will only here from me once every 3 months or so ;) Well, maybe not that extreme, but you get  the picture. And now my wonderful hubby is home from a long day of work and we will go enjoy some yummy ice cream! Thank the good Lord it is gluten free!! :D Goodnight everyone, I will leave you with some pics of the baby I deem most adorable boy ever!! Alexander. :)

And one of me and his beautiful mamma (my bff of coarse :))
granted I look like a man, but oh well. Lol
goodnight :)

First post!

Hey! So I'm excited that this is my first post! lol. Though I don't have a ton to say, I'm still happy to be doing something where I can express my inner most thoughts! Hahaha jk.. But really it's an easy time killer!

So, since there isnt too many phenomenal things going on in my life right now, I'm just going to leave you with a slideshow of the best day of my life thus far, my wedding! Enjoy this while I go enjoy some lunch! :D Gluten free of coarse! :) (BTW! may is celiac awareness month! im celiac btw, if you couldnt have guessed! so go by my friend Nicole's blog  http://elephanthour.blogspot.c and check out the cool stuff she has going on to raise awareness! thanks! 
